Northwestern University

Foundations of Health Research Center

roles & responsibilities: development, database refinement, project management, account management

Outcomes: Increased site traffic, improved brand awareness, streamlined data/research operations

The Foundations of Health Research Center’s outdated and disorganized website was failing to effectively communicate their significant medical research work. Recognizing the need for a modern solution, our team initiated a comprehensive overhaul. We seamlessly migrated the existing site to WordPress, leveraging its flexible architecture to meet the client’s evolving needs. This set the foundation for a user-friendly and scalable platform that could keep pace with their growth.
In collaboration with the design team, we worked meticulously to bring their creative concepts to life. The result was a visually appealing and intuitive website that embodied the client’s brand identity and resonated with their audience. Every aspect was carefully planned to ensure the design was not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and aligned with the organization’s objectives.
One of the key challenges was organizing decades’ worth of the client’s valuable medical research. To address this, we meticulously architected a comprehensive database and custom content management tool. We trained key staff members to maintain this resource, providing detailed how-to videos and screencasts to facilitate seamless onboarding and ensure future continuity.
Additionally, we launched a web application for the NIH-funded research tool, “Stability of placental mRNA expression,” which broadened access to this cutting-edge resource. This tool empowers researchers and medical professionals by offering a reliable platform for exploring critical insights.
Throughout the project, we maintained close collaboration with the client, navigating a tight budget, multiple stops and starts, and the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these obstacles, our partnership remained strong, and the project was successfully delivered over the course of a year, ending with high client satisfaction. We continue to stay in touch and maintain a relationship of mutual respect, which reflects the positive outcome and lasting impact of this endeavor.